Metal Weight Calculator
Please note that Alinox's calculator is provided for your convenience. The calculator can help you estimate the theoretical weight of metal & plastic products according to their type, density and shape.
All data provided by Alinox is provided for indicative purposes only. Please note that the difference between theoretical and actual weights may be significant, depending on the material, manufacturer and tolerances. You should verify all your calculation professionally.
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The Alinox Calculator is a FREE and unlimited application for estimating the theoretical weight of metal & plastic products according to their type, density and shape and for sending RFQ's for materials based on results provided or on a stand-alone basis.
Its simple - Choose material, type and shape – Obtain theoretical weight – Send RFQ
Easy to use either in the office by salespeople and buyers, on the road and on-site by architects, engineers and contractors, and on the warehouse floor by logistics personnel.